ISSN 1978-0524 (Print) | 2528-6374 (Online)

Accreditation: Sinta 3

Organizers: Prodi Teknik Informatika


Andri Pranolo

Email: andri.pranolo@tif.uad.ac.id

Phone/Mobile: 081392554050

About the journal

Jurnal Informatika is a peer-reviewed national journal (abroad authors are welcome), aims to bring together research work in the area of Information science and technology, multimedia system, and computational intelligence, including theories, methods, tools, technologies, applications, and so on. The journal is published three times a year starting from Vol 14 No 1 January 2020 (January, May, and September).

Aims and Scope

The Scope topics include, but are not limited to: (1) Information science & technology: Communication and networks; Data warehousing, filtering, and mining; Enterprise system development and resource management; (2) Multimedia system: Multimedia scalability and management; Multimedia software and systems integration; Multimedia compression, coding, and edition; more... (3)Computational Intelligence: Agent System and Multi-Agent Systems; Big Data and Data Mining; Decision Support System;