ISSN 2301-6167 (Print) | 2528-7206 (Online)

Accreditation: Sinta 2

Organizers: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan




Phone/Mobile: 081804370543

About the journal

PSIKOPEDAGOGIA (ISSN: 2301-6167 (print), ISSN: 2528-7206 (online) published articles the results of studies and research in the field of guidance and counseling, psychological counseling, personal guidance, academic guidance, social guidance, career counseling, family counseling, spiritual counseling, and all aspects related to guidance and counseling. The journal is published two (2) times per year. The Journal invites original research articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. This journal is published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with Association of Guidance and Counseling Study Program APSBKPTM, Indonesia.

Aims and Scope

SIKOPEDAGOGIA publishes articles on research, theory development, and program applications related to counselor education and supervision in various settings. The focus is on the preparation and supervision of counselors in agency or school settings, in colleges and universities or at local, state, or federal levels. There are six general categories that help focus the content of the journal. Research. These articles focus on research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed) in counselor preparation, professional development, supervision, and professional practice. Techniques. These articles focus on professional models for teaching empirically grounded techniques used by professional counselors, as well as teaching and supervision techniques used in professional preparation programs. Counselor Development. These articles include insightful commentary on means by which professional counselors can continue to develop professionally. Effective teaching strategies for counseling students as well as continuing education for experienced counselors will be highlighted. Supervision. These articles specifically target ideas, research, and practice related to counselor supervision. These articles should investigate and discuss supervisory issues from a perspective applicable to site supervisors, counselor educators and/or clinical supervisors (e.g., supervising professionals working toward a professional counseling license). Issues, Concerns and Potential Solutions. These articles identify and discuss significant issues facing the field of professional counseling with particular focus on issues in counselor preparation, professional development, and supervision. Exploration of these topics should include elaboration of the concerns as well as an examination of potential remedies or effective responses to the issues. Clinical Supervisors Stories. These articles describe current issues in counselor preparation and supervision from the perspective of site supervisors. The emphasis on these articles should focus on the story of the issue, potential solutions and the uniqueness of the message. Authors are encouraged to forgo significant literature review and attend directly to the intended message to the field.