Journal of Halal Science and Research

ISSN 2715-6214 (Print) | 2964-4909 (Online)

Accreditation: Sinta 3

Organizers: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Dr. apt. Nina Salamah, M.Sc.


Phone/Mobile: 081804487736

About the journal

Journal of Halal Science and Research (JHSR) is a refereed journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta. It is a semi-annual journal published in February and September (two annual issues). The main objective of the publication is to create a platform to publish original articles, research findings, case studies, and book reviews related to the field of Halal Studies. The editorial board welcomes original contributions of the author (in English) which have never been published or are under consideration for publication in any other publication. The journal invites scholars, practitioners, and researchers to submit articles to the management team. Articles submitted will be published after being verified and modified to suit the standard journals.

Aims and Scope

The scope of the paper includes several studies but is not limited to the following study: Halal Management, Halal Law, Halal Economics Studies, Halal Product, Halal Tourism, Halal Food, Halal Supply Chain, Halal Lifestyle, Halal Education, Halal Medicine, etc. Other Topics can be related to Halal Product and Processes, such as; Food Technology, Food Process and Processing, Pharmacy, Cosmetics, Drugs, Slaughtering and Meat as well as matters correlated with halal.