ISSN 1693-6930 (Print) | 2302-9293 (Online)

Accreditation: Sinta 1

Organizers: Program Studi teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan




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About the journal

TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control) ISSN: 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293 is a peer-reviewed, scientific journal published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in collaboration with Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES). The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of electrical & electronics engineering and computer science. Its scope encompasses the applications of Telecommunication, Computing, Electrical & Electronics, and Instrumentation & Control. It was first published in 2003. Beginning with issue 1 of volume 16 (2018), TELKOMNIKA will be published as a bimonthly journal (6 issues/year). The journal registered in the CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix 10.12928. The Journal has been indexed by SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Scholar Metrics etc; accredited 'A' Grade by DGHE (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia); registered BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine and CORE KMi, etc. The Journal also have a license agreement with ProQuest LLC and EBSCO Publishing.

Aims and Scope

TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) publishes six issues per year (February, April, June, August, October and December). The aim of TELKOMNIKA is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of electrical & electronics engineering, and computer science from authors world-wide. Its scope encompasses the engineering of telecommunication, computing, electrical & electronics, and instrumentation & control, which covers, but not limited to, the following scope: Communication Engineering: Antenna and wave propagation; Communication electronics and microwave; Communication network and systems; Compression through intelligent communication; Cooperative and cognitive wireless networks; Design, modelling and optimisation of photonics devices; Diamond-based photonics devices; Error control coding; Fiber-optic communication; Global navigation satellite systems; High-speed switching architectures; LDPC coding; MIMO systems; Mobile content distribution systems; Modal propagation in electromagnetic optical waveguides; Modulation and signal processing for telecommunication; Multiuser information theory; Nanophotonics; OFDM; Optical networks; Photonic signal processing technologies; Quantum communications; Radar and sonar signal processing; Radar imaging; Radio communication; Robust communication of scalable multimedia content; Routing protocols; Space-time coding; Telematics services and security network; Cognitive radio; Turbo coding; Wideband-CDMA; Wireless and mobile communications; Wireless communications; Wireless network coding; Wireless positioning systems; Wireless security; Wireless sensor network; Wireless systems; Wireless, mobile & satellite communications; etc. Computer Network and System Engineering: Computer and communication networks: planning, implementation, operation and management of a communications network; Computer control systems design; Micro-controller applications, designs, programming and integration; Microprocessor, digital and electronic theory and application; Network and systems security: mechanisms and techniques for the security and privacy of information in the media and systems that transport and process it; Network communication theory, test, design, and applications; Network implementation and administration; Operating systems; Project Management; Real-time control networks; Software development and applications; Systems management: design, installation and management of different types of services and systems, hardware and software technologies; etc. Computer Science and Information System: Analog computing; Approximate computing; Big data; Bioinformatics; Blockchain; Business process; Case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations; Cloud computing (runtime systems, parallel and distributed systems, virtualization, and software-hardware interactions); Cognitive systems; Computational theory and mathematics; Computer architecture; Computer components and interconnection networks; Computer graphics and computer-aided design; Computer network security; Computer networks and communications; Computer organizations and architectures (multicores, accelerators, application-specific, processing-in-memory, near-data processing, and datacenters); Computer science applications; Computer security; Computer vision; Data mining; Data and knowledge level modelling; Dependable computing; Distributed computing system; Edge computing; High performance computing; Human-computer interaction; Human-machine interface; Information management practices; Information retrieval; Information search engine; Internet service architectures; Internet trust and privacy; IT governance; Knowledge based management system; Knowledge discovery in data; Mobile processing; Multimedia security; Networking technology; New and important applications and trends; Next generation media; Next network generation; Operating systems; Parallel and distributed computer; Performance modelling; Performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability; Pervasive computing; Programming (programming methodology and paradigm); Quantum computing; Neuromorphic computing; Software developments; Software engineering (software: lifecycle, management, engineering process, engineering tools and methods); Software systems; Specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; Stochastic systems; Virtual/augmented reality; etc. Machine Learning, AI and Soft Computing: Agent systems; Ant algorithm; Ant colony optimization; Approximate reasoning; Artificial intelligence; Artificial neural networks; Automated reasoning; Bayesian network; Bayesian statistics; Biologically inspired computing; Brain emotional learning; Business intelligence; Chaos theory; Chaotic systems; Cognitive science; Complex systems theory; Computational creativity; Decision support system; Deep learning; Differential evolution; Early cybernetics and brain simulation; Evolutionary algorithms; Evolutionary computing; Expert system; Functional approximation; Fuzzy logic; Fuzzy set theory; Fuzzy systems; Genetic algorithm; Genetic programming; Hidden Markov model; Hybrid neural network; Intelligent controller; Intelligent system; Kalman filter; Machine intelligence; Machine learning techniques; Metaheuristic; Natural intelligence; Natural language processing (NLP); Nouvelle AI; Neural net systems; Neural science; Neural systems; Particle swarm optimization; Perceptron; Probabilistic models; Randomized search; Recurrent neural network; Regression trees; Superintelligence; Support vector machines; Symbolic AI; Swarm intelligence; etc. Signal, Image and Video Processing: Acoustic and vibration signal processing; Biomedical imaging and image processing; Biomedical signal processing; Biometrics; Communication signal processing; Compression; Data processing; Detection and estimation; Digital signal & data processing; Digital signal processing; Earth resources signal processing; Emotion detection; Environmental signal processing; Facial recognition systems; Feature extraction; Filtering; Forensic voice comparison; Genomic signal processing; Geophysical and astrophysical signal processing; Handwriting recognition; Image and video compression: scalability, interactivity, international; Image processing: statistical inverse problems, motion estimation; Image processing; Industrial applications; Medical imaging equipment and techniques; Multi-dimensional signal processing; New applications; Emotion and mental state recognition from speech; Optical signal processing; Pattern recognition; Radar signal processing; Remote sensing; Segmentation; Seismic signal processing; Signal processing systems; Signal processing technology; Signal theory; Sonar signal processing; Spectral analysis; Speech and audio coding; Speech and speaker recognition; Speech based emotion recognition; Speech enhancement; Speech modelling and feature extraction; Speech processing, signal processing for audio; Statistical and multidimensional signal processing; Stochastic processes; Video processing; Visual and performance arts; etc. Electronics Engineering: Amplifying electronic signals; Analog circuits; Application-specific polymer optical fibres and devices; Application-specific silica optical fibres and devices; Bioelectronics; Biomechanics and rehabilitation engineering; Biomedical circuits; Biomedical transducers and instrumentation; Building blocks and systems; Circuit theory and applications; Circuits; Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS); Consumer electronics; Design and implementation of application specific integrated circuits (ASIC); Digital electronics; Electromagnetic theory; Electronic components; Electronic devices; Electronic instrumentation; Electronic materials; Electronic sensors; Electronic systems; Embedded system; Filters; High levels design languages; Integrated circuits; Interface circuits; Measurement and acquisition of physical quantities; Medical electronics; Memristors and memristive circuits; Microcontrollers; Microelectronic system; Microprocessor; Mixed signal circuits; MOSFET; Network analysis and synthesis; Neuromorphic circuits; Organic field-effect transistor; Oscillators; Phase-locked loop (PLL); Printed electronics; Programmable logic chips; Programmable logic devices; RF circuits; Semiconductor devices; Silicon thin-film cell; System-on-a-chip (SoC); Thin film electronics; Thin-film diode; Thin-film memory; Thin-film solar cell; Thin-film transistor; Transform to electrical signals; Transistor; VLSI Design; Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO); etc. Electrical Power Engineering: Development modelling and analysis of environmental impact of electric power systems; Development, stability, availability, reliability and operational safety of electric power system subsystems; Disturbances and transient phenomena in power systems; Economic analysis in electrical power engineering; Efficient use of energy and energy conservation; Electric facilities automation; Electric power generation; Electric traction; Electric usage; Electrical apparatus connected to such systems; Electrical engineering materials; Electrical measurements; Electromagnetic compatibility; Energy efficiency methods; Energy management; Environmental protection; Establishment of open market environment, risk management and electrical energy trading; Flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS); High voltage apparatuses; High voltage insulation technologies; Lightning detection and protection; Mathematical modelling of power plants components and subsystems; Deterministic and reliability analysis of operational safety; New power system technologies; Optimization methods applied to power systems; Power economic; Power electronics; Power generation; Power transmission and distribution; Power system control and stability; High voltage engineering; Dielectrics and insulation technology; Electrical machinery; Power quality; Power system analysis; Power system protection; Reactive power control; Reliability theory; Renewable energy (wind, solar/photovoltaic, hydro, tidal, geothermal, biomass); Smart grid; Micro grid; Distributed generation; Industrial power systems; Green facilities and industries; Electromagnetic compatibility; SCADA; Theory of power systems control; Transmission and distribution networks network planning; Transmission and distribution; Utilization of electric power; etc. Power Electronics and Drives: Active components; Adjustable speed drives; Advanced power converter topologies; All types of converters, inverters, active filters, switched mode power and uninterruptible power supplies; Batteries and Fuses; Batteries and management systems (BMS); Contactless power supply; Control and conversion of electric power in electric machine drives; Current control for shunt active power filters using predictive control; Current control of AC/DC or AC/DC/AC converters using predictive control; Current control; Distributed power supplies; Electrical machines; Electronic ballasts and solid-state lighting; EMC and noise mitigation; EV´s battery chargers: contact and contact-less, standards and regulations; Fault coordination and protection of DC grids; Hard and soft switching techniques; High performance drives; High-voltage direct current (HVDC); Model predictive control in industrial electronics; Motion control; New applications of predictive control for power converters; New materials and active devices; Packaging & thermal management; Passive components; Photovoltaic devices; Power converters for electric vehicles; Power electronics and Applications; Power factor correction techniques; Power semiconductor devices; Predictive control for power electronics and drives applications; Simulation and animation in power electronics and drive systems; Special drives; Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM); Techniques for controlling, analysing, modelling and/or simulation of power electronics circuits and complete power electronic systems; Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS); Vehicles and applications where a movement is created by an electric propulsion system; etc. Instrumentation and Control Engineering: Adaptive controls; Advanced computing for measurement; Advanced control techniques; Advanced manufacturing systems; Applications of control theory in industry; Automated guided vehicles; Automation industrial applications; Complex adaptive systems; Control and automation; Control and intelligent systems; Control stochastic; Control theory and applications; Digital control; Distributed control; Dynamic simulation Man/Machine interface; Fault detection and isolation; Fieldbus technology and interfaces; Hybrid and switching control; Image-based control; Industrial automation; Linear and nonlinear control systems; Manufacturing systems and automation; Mathematical control theory; Measurement techniques; Mechatronics; Modelling and identification; Optimization and optimal control; Predictive control; Process control and instrumentation; Process optimization and scheduling; Recent developments in automation and control; Recent trends in control systems; Robotics and applications; Robust control; Sampled-data control systems and digital control; Sensors; Stochastic control and filtering; System identification and control; Systems and automation; Transducer principles; Virtual instrumentation and control; etc. Internet of Things (IoT): Applications of the IoT; Authentication and access control in IoT; Channel and traffic models; Circuit and system design for secure smart objects in the IoT; Circuit and system design for smart objects in the IoT; Communication systems and network architectures for the IoT; Computation, storage, and network virtualization in Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC); Emerging IoT business models and process changes; Energy efficient designs of architecture and device in IoT; Ethics and legal considerations in IoT; Experience reports from the introduction and operation of networked things in areas such as healthcare, logistics & transport; Green by IoT/Green of IoT Technology; Identification and biometrics in IoT; IoT access network technologies and capillary networks; IoT architectures and system such as things-centric, data-centric, service-centric architecture, CPS and SCADA platforms, future Internet design for IoT, cloud-based IoT, and system security and manageability; IoT enabling technologies such as sensors, radio frequency identification, low power and energy harvesting, sensor networks, machine-type communication, resource-constrained networks, real-time systems, IoT data analytics, in situ processing, and embedded software; IoT networking and communication, infrastructure and security; IoT protocols; IoT secure access network technologies and capillary networks; IoT secure network infrastructure; IoT security protocols; IoT services, applications, standards, and test-beds such as streaming data management and mining platforms, service middleware, open service platform, semantic service management, security and privacy-preserving protocols, design examples of smart services and applications, and IoT application support; Liability and policy enforcement in IoT; Methods for IoT security analysis and audit; Methods for secure by design IoT; Modeling, analysis, and optimization of MCC and IoT; Novel architecture designs and evaluations of MCC and IoT; Novel mobile cloud applications and services for IoT; Privacy and anonymization techniques in IoT; Privacy in applications of the IoT; Quality of Service (QoS) of MCC and IoT; Secure cloud of things; Secure spectrum management for M2M/IoT radio communications; Security of Big data in IoT; Security, privacy, and reliability issues of MCC and IoT; Spectrum management for M2M/IoT radio communications; Trends and challenges of MCC and IoT; etc.